Parachute Design


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Coming down under a parachute is quite different as well.

Life in the twentieth century is like a parachute jump: you have to get it right the first time.

Material provided :

1. Paper Cup (1 Nos.)
2. Polythene Sheet (1.Nos.)
3. Thread (Few)
4. Straw (Few)

Event Description :
  • Participants have to design with the provided materials in the specified time.
  • Then an egg will be provided, which should be kept inside the paper cup and the para shoot is allowed to free fall from a fixed height.
  • The design which reaches the ground with maximum time and without breaking the egg wins.

Guidelines :
  • Prelims will be conducted.

  • Two members per Team.

Contact Info :
Ramkumar  : 90039 11440
Vignesh.R   : 99525 13576
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