
"God made the integers,all the rest is the work of man".The rules of reality.A picture painted with symbols,strung together with rules
called mathematics.The challenge is to make sensible mathematical models out of the baffling jigsaws.Handle the 'king of sciences'
and battle with ideas making triumph one over another.
Event Format
Number of Rounds:2
Round 1
Numerical Aptitude and Quantitative Ability.
Number of questions-20.
Time limit-30 minutes
Round 2
Brain Squeezers.
Number of questions-15.
Time limit-1 hour
Rules & Regulations
1.Two members are allowed per team.
2.Participants are not allowed to use calculators.
3.Participants will be shortlisted based on their time management and their problem solving ability.
K.Rosan Sharik
+91-88705 87709
S.Hari Prasad
+91-99444 95540