
CAD modeling




"Art is not what you see, but it is what you make others see"-EDGAR DEGAS


Can you imagine Mechanical Engineering without drawings??? Never!!!!!! Cadsters provides you the opportunity to test your skills in the field of design. The event allows you to think out of the box and design the displayed product by implementing your ideas which will help you showcase your imaginative skills, creativity that will help you design the given model.


Come and become the No.1 Cadster of MEXPLODE'12!!!!!!!!!



This event consists of two rounds
1. First round- Prelims
2. Second Round – Assembly or Surface Modelling.



· A maximum of two members per team is allowed.

· Software to be used is Solidworks or Pro E.

· The component to be designed will be provided on the spot.

· Design is to be completed within the given time duration.

· Time taken will be taken into account.

· The call of judges will be the final.



Auswath Khan-+91-9787416899
