It was in a bathtub where Archimedes first exclaimed "Eureka" when he discovered a principle which ameliorated the standards of science. Here is a chance to test to your knowledge and understanding of science concepts which is extensively used in the mechanical world. By strategizing adequately, u can clear the initial set of hurdles and proceed towards the showdown.
Handsome award is in queue for the winner. So wait no more, "cometh the moment and
cometh thy skill". Your years of studies and passion for mechanical sciences may bear u the fruit if u can come up with right choices for the multi-faceted rounds in trivia.
What's more!!! Certainly, our best wishes
1. Maximum of 3 members per team.
2. Question will be featured from the fields of Manufacturing, Automobile, Thermal, Design and Marketing.
3. This is two level event with multiple round.
4. Participants must be from the same college.
Level 1: Prelims Round
1. A questionnaire and the participants will have to submit it within a time limit of 30 minutes.
2. The question will be of MCQ type.
Level 2: Showdown
1. Only 5 teams will be selected for the finale.
2. This will have multiple rounds.
3. The finale will test your technical IQ and concept clarity.