Tech In Text

Paper Presentation


"Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought" -- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (Hungarian Biochemist, 1937 Nobel Prize for Medicine, 1893-1986)

Paper Presentation in Mexplode 2012 comes with the opportunities for everyone to unfurl their potential in the field of research and academia. The time has come to show the world about your experimentation and findings and get your work evaluated and appreciated.

Here, you not only get the chance of making the world appreciate your work but also gain real recognition of your work, helpful feedback on ideas, valuable connections with eminent industrialists and lead researchers. Of course, not to forget, the ever so appealing handsome cash prizes!

So give way to the hidden researcher inside you, here is your chance to show the world what you got!


Students are invited to submit soft copy of their abstract, format of abstract can be downloaded, also a brief description of their work (less than four A4 pages, Times New Roman-12 font, including all figures, references etc. file size < 10 MB), description, results etc. to the address mentioned.


1. A maximum of two authors per paper.
2. Presentation should be in power point presentation MS Office 2007.
3. Each team will be allotted seven minutes for presentation and three minutes for queries.
4. Any extension from the allotted time may result in the loss of points.
5. The participants should bring their presentation on a pendrive along with two hardcopies.

Submission Rules:

1. Contacts information such as Mobile Number and Mail ID of the authors should be in the paper.
2. The name of the document should be in the format: Mexplode-TnT-Title of the paper.
3. All papers must be sent to on or before 29.09.2012
4. The shortlisted participants who are eligible for presenting their paper in final presentation will be intimated through mail on or before 03.09.2012
5. The decision of the judges is final


Gowtham.V- +91-95665 45415