about Us

           Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology is one of the primary institutions providing Quality Technical Educations. The college was started in 1998, with 180 students, 18 staff and 4 branches of B.E. At present, the college houses more than 3922 students, studying in 7 branches of Under Graduate and 7 branches of Post Graduate. The college has already carved a niche amongst the public.

           The college has full-fledged infrastructure furnished in all aspects with a world-class library as the high-light. The college has been awarded ISO 9001:2008 certification for excellence in quality education and accredited by the National Board of Accreditation, Delhi. The college was granted Autonomy from the year 2011.

Department of Information Technology

           The department offers a 4-year B.Tech degree program in Information Technology. The curriculum and syllabi are designed by Anna University. The program is conducted in such a way as to prepare the students to face the challenges of IT and allied industries. The program addresses the needs of IT industry and generates human resources for challenging positions of System Analysts, Web Designers and Administrators, Software Engineers, Project Consultants, Multimedia and Mobile Communication Experts, etc.,