
      Eminentz provides a great platform to present their views and thoughts. "Thales'12" presented by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.Thales'12 is a great opportunity to put forward your ideas in front of experts. Promote your thinking, unleash your skills and mould them into a concise presentation.

      Thales - the brainchild of the EEE-Eminent Engineers Embassy is the conglomeration of elite brains all across the Indian heartland. With a kaleidoscope of events covering all areas under the firmament, Thales is the one stop to establish the students' prowess as the quintessential engineer. The biggest conflux of students, industry and academia for a thoroughly enriching experience. Come and be enlightened in the epicenter of Technology for the ultimate salvation!



The Inception of "Thales"...


      Thales was the first to notice static electricity around 600 BC. In 600 B.C. Thales of Miletus writes about amber becoming charged by rubbing - he was describing what we now call static electricity. 

      Around 600 BCE, in Greece, a mathematician named Thales discovered that amber rubbed with animal fur attracted light objects. Even though other people may have noticed this before, Thales was the first to record his findings. We don't have his writings, but from other people's reports of his work we can guess at his experiments. We think that Thales noticed static electricity from polishing amber with a piece of wool or fur. After rubbing the amber, which created a static electric charge, other light objects such as straw or feathers stuck to the amber. At this time, magnetism was confused with static electricity.