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  • Paper Presentation

  • “Good preparation is the key to confidence, which is the key to you being relaxed, and this settles the butterflies.”

  • You are not alone if the thought of speaking in public scares you. Giving a presentation is worrying for many people. Presenting or speaking to an audience regularly tops the list in surveys of people's top fears - more than heights, flying or dying.

  • Think about your audience, your aims, their expectations, the surroundings, the facilities available, and what type of presentation you are going to give (lecture style, informative, participative, etc).
    Relax, have a rock-solid practiced opening, and smile. Be firm, be confident and be in control; the floor is yours, and the audience is on your side.
  • $- Paper should be in IEEE format.
  • $- Full paper should be submitted through mail(eeethales@gmail.com).
  • $- Each team will have maximum of 2members.
  • $- 29th Sep 2012 will be the last date for sending abstract of the paper.
  • $- 25 papers will be selected.
  • $- On 1st Oct 2012 selected papers will be intimated. 
  • $- Top three teams will be awarded.

Sarathi Krishnan.N.R +91-90036 31085
Vijith.C +91-99436 14114