Auto Quiz
Auto Venko
Team size: 3 students.
Event Date :24th September,2012.
Event details:
Prelims is compulsory.
Total 6 Short listed teams will be sent for finals.
Prelims: 60 minutes of technical and non technical questions
Finals: 7 - Rounds:
General, 2 minutes for answering and pass is allowed.
Automotive racing, 2 minutes for answering and pass is allowed.
Visual, 2 minutes for answering and pass is allowed.
History, 2 minutes for answering and pass is allowed.
Specialization, 2 minutes for answering and pass is allowed.
Rapid fire, 20 questions per team, no pass, and time frame is 1 minute with no repetition of questions.
Jack pot, 2 minutes for answering and no pass is allowed.
Further details contact Event coordinator:
Sushruth Sathy – +91- 99409 95074