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Autozinios '12 v2.0

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A National Level Technical Symposium hosted by SAE INDIA SKCET Collegiate Club



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A Two day Industry Based Programme hosted by SAE INDIA SKCET Collegiate Club in association with Metawing Infotech Pvt.Limited


Welcome to Autozinios v2.0 !!!

     SAE INDIA - Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology Collegiate Club is

back with the Upgraded Version of the most expected event of the year,

"Autozinios v2.0"

This Inter College Contest has been reconstructed with more events,more fun and more prizes.The two day fest portrays itself as an open event for all departments and all colleges with the idea of encouraging ignited minds from all streams making it as a pool of creativity,innovation and a plethora of activities.

     Indulge yourself in the upgraded events and experience the smarts in you.The team bid you that AUTOZINIOS V-2.0 is going to be one of a kind experience for all who are a part of it!!!