

Paper Presentation

Got some ideas about new trends.. hustle to clutch the dice with your team!!!


Poster Presentation

Do you need a stage to portray your creative works... we are at your service..


Encyclopeadic Exuberance (Quiz)

Are you a technical wizard??.. Then answer our tricky questions..


Plotting Perseverance (Survey)

Here's your land..just roam through to make a landmark!!!


Nano Prototype (Modelling)

Create the diminutive of your magnificent future...


Cadd Mania(Cadd)

Are you good in copying and pasting??.. Then take up this..Its yours..!!


Mr./Ms. Civil Engineer

Have a good tackling and managing abilities to be the Master!! you may be the Mr/Ms perfect!!!


Floating Concrete

Float your concretes here and get excitement !!!


Crumbling Cube

Impart your skill to the material to get the maximum resilience on all six faces!!!


Code Cracking

If you have the vision to see what the codes say? Prove it !!!


Practico Prodigy



  1. The prelims will be held in WRITTEN format.
  2. Each team should consist of maximum TWO members from SAME COLLEGE only.
  3. Use of calculators, mobiles, code books and log tables are strictly prohibited.
  4. The questions will be PURELY PRACTICAL ON-SITE QUESTIONS.
  5. Decision of organizers will be final and binding.


Round 1:

Preliminary round winners will be given various practical problems.
The participants ought to write down their answers in the respective answer scripts.

Round 2:

winners will be given an artificially stimulated on-field task

For further queries contact:    

Manager, Events
Ph. +91 9790119712

Manager, Events
Ph. +91 8056577036



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