Encyclopeadic Exuberance [Quiz]

Are you a technical wizard??..
Then answer our tricky questions..
- The prelims will be held in WRITTEN format.
- Each team should consist of maximum TWO members from SAME COLLEGE only.
- Use of calculators, mobiles, code books and log tables are strictly prohibited.
- The questions will be PURELY TECHNICAL.
- Decision of organizers will be final and binding.
- Participants should have a valid Identity card, all through the event
- The questions will be purely TECHNICAL.
- Five teams selected through prelims will compete and ONE TEAM WILL BE ELIMINATED in subsequent rounds.
- There will be three rounds and they areTECHNICAL CIRCLE, RAPID FIRE, QUICKPICK.
- Use of calculators, mobiles, log tables are strictly prohibited.
- Decision of organizers will be final and binding.
For further queries contact:
Manager, Events
Ph. +91 9940830222 |
Manager, Events
Ph. +91 956672722 |